
Hello! Welcome to Spoons and Toons.

I’m Fay and I’m a poet, storyteller, blogger and photographer from Leeds, England. I write about feminism, politics, health and disability issues, creativity and occasionally review books, podcasts and events I love. All work – including articles, pictures and poetry – belong to me unless specifically stated on the piece.

What is a Spoonie? The name comes from the spoon theory dreamt up by a college student to explain what it’s like to live with a chronic illness. It’s used to explain how every task takes energy, or spoons, and when you live with a chronic illness the energy toll is much higher, meaning even simple tasks require a lot more thought than it would for non-spoonies. Personally, I live with Fibromyalgia/ME, hypermobility, complicated neurological needs, depression and anxiety.

What are some of my favourite Toons? I love Slade, Robbie Williams, Elvis Costello, Pulp, The Fratellis, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and cheesey 90’s pop.


Why do I describe myself as a difficult bitch with a big mouth? This moniker was given to me by my best friend and distilled all the negative comments I ever got from Twitter, men and every teacher or boss who has had to put up with me. I wear it with pride. Why be quiet and demure when you can shout your cause from the rooftops?

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10 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. It was a pleasure to meet you. I enjoyed reading your blog. I suffer from chronic illness(es) too. Mainly autoimmune complications and I have had breast cancer five years ago. By the way, my latest novel, Wounded Heart in Flight, will be at the London Book Fair in April. Please tell all your friends and anyone interested in reading.


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